
Strengthening Youth Civic Engagement in Cambodia

The key outcomes of this project are to: 

  1. Create 30 Youth Hubs comprised of 50 youth leaders, engage another 750 members of the communities and equip them all with training on LNR and communication skills. It is anticipated that 50% of the youth leaders will be women; also, male youth leaders will be trained on gender-sensitive practices to become sensitized to the benefits of this project for women within their communities
  2. Build a systematic LNR data collection system that maps LNR violations. Biannually, reports based on this citizen monitoring will be disseminated to the 750 Youth Hub members. 
  3. Increase local and national youth-led awareness on LNR rights by building an application and social media network used to share short videos and other youth-led campaigns with over 1,000,000 young Cambodians.
  4. Facilitate two youth–led national policy consultation forums with 40 decision makers to debate, share and follow up on the most pressing LNR issues raised.

Further, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) serve as a roadmap for achieving a better, more sustainable future for everyone and this project contributes to three of these goals:

·         Goal 4: Quality Education

·         Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

·         Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.

This project gives youths the opportunity to refine their leadership skills, allowing them to attain higher education which will lead to future economic growth. Also, with more of the population educated in advocacy skills, they will be empowered to promote peace, justice and a strong Cambodian society.